Real Funny

Real Funny

Real Funny

I’ve been listening to and liking this show for a little bit. But today, listening to the return of the living dead review and the one guy seems so critical of this dumb movie... I dunno... something so funny about it. I want more. Watch more of these 80s garbage films and pick apart the production choices and writing styles. My new favorite art. Beyond this I like these guys’ back and forth, timing, etc. Seems well edited. Good!

Jamie DSK,

2 Guys And A Chainsaw

Jamie DSK,

I’ve been listening to and liking this show for a little bit. But today, listening to the return of the living dead review and the one guy seems so critical of this dumb movie... I dunno... something so funny about it. I want more. Watch more of these 80s garbage films and pick apart the production choices and writing styles. My new favorite art. Beyond this I like these guys’ back and forth, timing, etc. Seems well edited. Good!

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